Sustainable Music


Sunday, April 30, 2023

Global Webinar: Why I Do Applied Ethnomusicology. May 4 & 11, 2023.

Jeff Titon (electric guitar, left) and Lazy Bill Lucas (electric piano, right) performing at the People's Park, Dinkytown, Minneapolis, 1970. My work in applied ethnomusicology was an outgrowth of my friendship with Bill Lucas.


        The Applied Ethnomusicology Section of the Society for Ethnomusicology is sponsoring a global webinar, May 4 & 11, on the subject, "Why I Do Applied Ethnomusicology." Three speakers will be presenting, each for 20 minutes, followed by 10 minutes for questions. I was invited to be one of the speakers. I had declined at first but the sponsors coaxed me into accepting. Yesterday I recorded my presentation on video, and uploaded it so that the technical experts could play it back for the webinar on those two dates. I'll be present in person on May 4 for the Q&A session, but it's unlikely that I'll be able to make it for the 11th on account of the time schedule, which places the global webinar at an hour (5 a.m.) when most people in my part of the world are asleep.

         In case the global webinar is of interest to readers of this blog, it's possible to for you to participate for free; but to do so you need to pre-register. Information on pre-registering is in the links below. 

Here are the titles of the presentations:

 1. Michael Frishkopf, "AI-generated soundscapes for stress reduction: From the intensive care unit to the library." 


 2. Jeff Todd Titon, "Applying ethnomusicology: From the study of people making music to the study of beings making sound." [Note: the text of my presentation is on my page.]


 3. Sally Treloyn, "The work of return: Digital media, sustainability, and applied ethnomusicology."

And here is the time schedule and registration link for each of the two times that the global webinar will be presented:

Addis Ababa and Nairobi: 9 pm, May 4 


Cairo and Cape Town: 8 pm, May 4 


Copenhagen and Paris: 8 pm, May 4 


London and Dublin: 7 pm, May 4 


Sãu Paulo: 3 pm, May 4 


New York and Toronto: 2 pm, May 4             

Jeff Todd Titon (recording, with Q&A live)  

Alberta: 12 pm, May 4                                        

Michael Frishkopf (speaking live) 

Los Angeles: 11 am, May 4 


New Zealand: 6 am, May 5 


Sydney: 4 am, May 5                                     

Sally Treloyn (recording) 

Japan and Seoul: 3 am, May 5 


Beijing and Kuala Lumpur: 2 am, May 5 



Register in advance for this meeting on May 4:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. 



May 11, 2023 

New Zealand: 9 pm, May 11 


Sydney: 7 pm, May 11                                    

Sally Treloyn (speaking live) 

Japan and Seoul: 6 pm May 11 


Beijing and Kuala Lumpur: 5 pm, May 11 


Addis Ababa and Nairobi: 12 pm, May 11 


Cairo and Cape Town: 11 am, May 11 


Copenhagen and Paris: 11 am, May 11 


London and Dublin: 10 am, May 11 


Sãu Paulo: 6 am, May 11 


New York and Toronto: 5 am, May 11               

Jeff Todd Titon (recording) 

Alberta: 3 am May 4                                           

Michael Frishkopf (recording)   

Los Angeles: 2 am, May 11 



Register in advance for this meeting on May 11: 

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.